Archiwum Tagów: DIY

Raspberry Pi Quad SATA HAT

Some time ago my wife decided to get involved in an affair. The solicitor at the checkout was enticing and charming enough. Yhm… a few years earlier my home Back UP drive from Seagate died. These two facts have no relation to each other whatsoever!

Strip-bare system – Raspberry Pi with Quad Sata HAT from Radxa

A few months I lived, believing my wife started social life, finally making some friends. For a few years, I was dealing with data stored on a few drives. And finally, … Zobacz cały artykuł »

DIY: lusterko po raz drugi

Potrzeba wstecznego lusterka w wydaniu M2.

Nie od dzisiaj wiadomo, że potrzeba jest matką wynalazku. A ponad to, że Polak potrafi.

Dlaczego taka konstrukcja? Czy ktoś lubi oglądać wschody Słońca?

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